If you read that and believed me, please go back and read my older posts.
Okay, so in reality, I had a baby last Monday. Then spent Tuesday and half of Wednesday in the hospital under "observation." Beyond that... well, I've just barely been getting through days.
You'd think after already having two kids that I'd be fully prepared for a newborn. Turns out that is NOT true. So today I bring you...
The List of Things I'd Either Forgotten or Didn't Know About Having a Newborn.
Seriously. I cannot stress enough how much new moms need to take advantage of times when baby is asleep. Jon's been staying on me about resting but do I listen? Not at all. Instead, I dust. Or I make 800 trips up and down the stairs. Not the brightest considering I've had a c section.
2. New Mom Terror never ends.
Yeah, so I thought I'd be cool about stuff this time around. Nope. I spend 98% of my day thinking something is wrong. He's not eating enough. Not wetting enough diapers. His skin color looks a little off. Is he sensitive to the wipes we were using? Is he breathing?
Yep. Been stressing about most things.
3. Showers are blessed moments.
I never realized how much I love showering. Until my time became limited.
4. You can indeed have too much of a good thing.
Ever heard of milk over supply? Or forceful MER? No? Look them up.
5. Baby poop isn't real poop.
Poop is generally a gross thing. But when my little man decided to start his newborn photo session out with a bang (And by bang, I mean explosive pooing sans diaper... we were hoping for cute nekkid pics...) I barely batted an eye over the fact that it was running down my shirt.
That's my boy.
6. Time with your spouse is limited.
Jon's on vacation! And yet, I barely see him. He's playing with the boys so I can rest, I'm taking care of a nursling. And once the boys are in bed... well, Jon and I fall asleep too. We are not the most exciting people lately.
7. Those baby gadgets that I complained about are amazing.
You know the gadgets I'm talking about. The swing that is pretty much a baby sitter (*cough* gracosweetpeace*cough*) the bouncer that bounces on it's own. I chuckled at those. After all, who was really going to spend 50 bucks on a bouncer that bounces on it's own? I ended up getting one for $20 at Target (yay clearance!) and Little Man is now happily bouncing. And my poor aching back gets a break.
Side Note: I have the SweetPeace as well. Again, amazing deal and it's definitely pretty cool too.
8. Good nursing bras are hard to find.
That is all.
9. You will become a pro at doing everything with one hand.
Wonder if I can teach myself to crochet with one hand. Hmmm....
and 10.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to the feeling of being a new mom again. Every coo, each yawn just melts me. Stretches and toes curls captivate me. And nothing beats that moment when he opens his little eyes and stares at me until he snuggles back into my chest for a nap. I absolutely love my little Gideon and I can't imagine my life without him.
Even if that does mean I'm a sleep deprived, poop stained hunchback.
So I'm a little behind on the Summer Blog Challenge! I'll catch up. However, it's day 25 of the challenge so I'll start there. We'll really catch up tomorrow.
And the prompt is....
What is your ideal day of "Me" Time?
I would love a day with no set wake up time. Roll out bed at the crack of noon with my hubby, have a light brunch. Snuggle a bit, maybe take a walk. This isn't really me time so far.
So in reality, I'd just want to sleep all day. Maybe read a book. Take a bubble bath. Eat without someone trying to mooch off my plate. (I know my children aren't the only ones who do that...)
It would be a simple day but it would be bliss!
That's all the time I have for today! Until tomorrow, Happy Monday!

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