I realized last night how much I'll miss some of this. After all, this is it for me. Baby Train stops here. No more.
And that made me kind of sad. So this seems like the perfect time to take something off my list. You know, the list I made of things to do before he arrives.
10 Things I'll Miss About Being Pregnant
I think you all know what I'm talking about. That feeling you get the minute that positive develops on the pregnancy test. You spend a few minutes just staring at it in disbelief and then end up completely elated. That's pretty much how I felt for days after I got that big fat positive. I was floating on Cloud 9.
2. Sharing Something Unique with My Husband.
I already had two children when Jon and I got married. But Jon didn't. Watching him through this entire experience has been amazing. Between his overjoyed tears when he found out and his constant concern that my water is going to break at Walmart (lol) he has been the absolute best husband an expecting mama could ask for. And because this pregnancy has been so much different than the other two, it has been a shared unique experience.
3. The Randomly Appearing Baby Bump
I popped over night. One day, I looked kind of chunky. Then I looked all out pregnant. Which thrilled me because even though I knew I was pregnant before I started showing, it was nice to actually SEE it.
4. Ultrasounds.
Ultrasounds have always been intriguing for me. It's just so neat to see a little one just hanging out in there. However, when it's your own, it goes beyond intriguing. I teared up the first time I saw a tech type out "Baby" beside the tiny little blob on the monitor.
5. Watching My Sons Growing Enthusiasm.
Both of my boys have been amazing. I was expecting them to be excited and then forget but they've proven me wrong. Especially my oldest. Every day he asks me how long until the baby comes. He wants to know what he can do to help. In fact, he's designated himself as Official Baby Dress-er. And bed time story reader. And he's already wondering when he can show the baby his cars and teach him about the solar system. It's been adorable watching him pick things out for the baby.
6. Indulging in Cravings, Guilt Free.
I've never been one to count calories. But there was something nice about people pushing that second or third helping of dessert on me. I am eating for two, after all. LOL!
7. Newborn Shopping
I love tiny clothes. Something about little sleepers with animals on the feet just tickles me. I thought my days of enjoying the baby section were LONG gone, so I have thoroughly enjoyed it this time.
8. Feeling the Baby Move.
The first time I felt a flutter, I sat completely still waiting for it to happen again. Then the flutters became bumps. Then bumps became jumps... Followed by full on martial arts. My personal favorite was the night Jon got a good kick. He had his hand on my stomach, just talking, and Belly Baby just kicked his hand. Jon's smile made me laugh, he looked like an excited little boy. And then spent the next 30 minutes talking to my belly, trying to coax more of a reaction out of the Little One.
9. The Gender Excitement
Oh, that was a fun part. After several early ultrasounds, we were told that we were having a little girl. Seriously, we had multiple techs say "Oh, that's definitely a girl." I even have an ultrasound pic printed where you can see why they'd say girl. We were so excited. Dressed and tea parties... baby dolls and princess parties... I was ready for another girl in the house. Then I ended up in the hospital (because I over reacted about stuff... as usual.) and during a check on the baby, the tech said "Well, there you go. What do you think that is." And after I looked at the screen I realized our little girl was a little boy! No wonder he was making mommy so miserable that day... I was calling him a girl all the time! We were shocked (because we'd planned for weeks thinking he was a she) but thrilled nonetheless.
10. The Anticipation.
Every pregnant woman gets to a point where she is ready to end the experience. And waiting for that moment is almost like waiting for Christmas. And lucky me, I even know that date Baby is coming... So I've taken up every calendar in our home with a countdown. Every day that passes, the excitement builds more. What will he look like? Will he like me? Will he have my eyes or Jon's nose? Will he like being swaddled the way I think he will? It's funny, the child lives inside me and yet I'm nervously anticipating our first real meeting! LOL!
Ah, the list could go on and on... There are so many things I'll miss. 18 days left to enjoy it. I think I will. :)
Until next time, Happy Thursday!