Okay, so the groundhog isn't a weather man... he can't really make an accurate prediction. However, I see no reason not to have fun on this strange little holiday.
(I think I'm always looking for a reason to have holiday related fun...)
I've spent some time trying to figure out what we can do on this grey Groundhog Day. The net is filled to the brim with groundhog related crafts. Everything from making brown play dough to sculpt groundhogs to decorating the inside of a large box to look like a groundhog's home. As fun as those ideas are, I was kind of hoping to incorporate something a little more... educational?
That's when I came across Childfun.com. They have a huge list of activities for Groundhog Day. Including something that will definitely be happening in the Sugar Crumbs household this evening.
Shadow making.
Do you remember making shadows when you were a kid? Nothing was more fun than making animals with your hands or seeing how tall your shadow could look with the sun shining down.
And have we forgotten shadow puppets? Brilliant!
So this grey day is going to be spent making shadow puppets of groundhogs and tonight we'll be putting on a puppet show. What a perfect way to get some craft time in and teach them a little more about how shadows work.
Want to make your own easy shadow puppets? All you need is a picture of a groundhog (or anything else!) and some popsicle sticks. And glue. Of course. Have your little ones color a picture, cut it out and glue it to the popsicle stick. The. End. An easy craft for a laid back day.
And the best part? You can even print the pics off the net. So simple yet the kids will love it.
Afterwards, put on a show! You're puppet theater could be as simple as hanging a sheet and setting a lamp behind it. Or go all out and decorate a box (with a freezer paper covered cutout!) to make our own personalized theater.
Either way you go, the kids are going to have a blast.
Hey, 6 more weeks of winter doesn't mean we can't have fun!

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