Ah ha!
After a week end of issues signing in, I'm finally back! Wooo! (Not sure what was up...)
Either way, it's that time of week again. Time for my latest Pinterest Pick!
"We want the room reveal!" my imaginary readers are shrieking. I know you do... But I think I'm going to hold off for OOOOOONE more project. Just one. I promise. It'll be worth it.
Instead, I'm going to explode with enthusiasm over the chili recipe that I found!
Okay, so I'm a HUGE chili fan. There are few things I find as satisfying as a bowl of chili. Especially when it's slow cooked for.ev.er. So when I cam across this awesome base recipe on Pinterest, I knew I had to give it a go.
The recipe itself is simple. Throw the handful of basic ingredients into a crock pot for 8-10 hours on low and tada!!!! Chili. But like i said. It's a base recipe. The beauty of this recipe is that you can add nearly anything you want and it's going to be amazing. So I added corn, mushrooms, extra ground turkey, black beans and a can of Rotel. You know... for an extra kick.
Wanna know what I got at the end of the day?
This amazingly amazing chili. It was hearty enough to eat on it's own but we paired it with cornbread. (Which, by the way, was too dry. Gotta work on that...) Not only did it smell and taste amazing, it made enough for hubby and I to enjoy leftovers for DAYS. (I even gave some away!) All for next to nothing.
Wanna try it too? Here's the base recipe, which started out on allrecipes.com before being pinned!
Holy wow! One step. That's awesome.
If you make it (and you should!) leave me a comment and let me know what YOU added to it. I've been reading all over the net the different things you can. Everything from beer to cocoa powder. Please, some one tell me they've tried the cocoa powder and it was amazing. Cause for some reason, it sounded delicious to me.
Ah, chili. You are a delicious dish indeed.