Monday, January 9, 2012

Pinteresting... Very Pinteresting, Indeed...

It's true... I've been sucked into a world of endless amounts of humor, recipes and inspiration.

I'm addicted to Pinterest. (Please tell me I'm not the only one!)

The problem with Pinterest is that there are so many things on there, I just don't even know where to start.

Should I cook that delicious shrimp and mushroom alfredo?

Or maybe crochet that gorgeous chunky cowl?

Nah... I'll just repin it so that I remember to do it later. You know... after I finish looking at the rest of the pins. That hour.

No good, Erin. No good.

So I got to thinking. Pinterest is made for sharing. So Mondays I'll be featuring my latest Pinterest obsessions. Whether it be a recipe, tutorial or silly collage of pictures, you're going to see it.

Which means more projects and more reviews of tutes. Yeeesssh!

**Follow me on Pinterest to see what's caught my eye today**

** Have a Pinterest Interest you'd like to see demonstrated? Leave me a comment or email me at!**

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